Free Thoughts Thursday

My weekly newsletter with ideas from philosophy, psychology, and my own experience.
FTT: Rescue Dogs & Acceptance
We’re allowed to have big goals and high aspirations. We can work towards becoming better people and making millions of dollars. And while we do that, we can also be accepting of who we are right now and grateful for the money we have at the moment.
FTT: Skills & Anger
Happy Free Thoughts Thursday, people. If you like history and business I highly recommend a podcast called Founders. It’s all about the biographies and autobiographies of some of history’s greatest entrepreneurs and it’s amazing. 1 Thought From Me: As Sharper Capital grows, I continue to find m…
FTT: Focus & Commands
Happy Free Thoughts Thursday, people. Heard this on a podcast about the story of Trader Joe’s today: “The road to success is paved with mistakes well handled.” — Stanley Marcus I don’t know about you, but I make a lot of mistakes. This was good to hear. 1 Thought From Me
FTT: Make a Change
Happy Free Thoughts Thursday, people. I hope you’ve all had a great week so far. I’m grateful for you guys and the conversations that come from these emails. I don’t have a ton for you today, but sometimes the less you say the better. 1 Thought From Me: “When people
FTT: The New Year
Happy Free Thoughts Thursday, people. I hope 2022 has been a great year for you. As a reminder, “great” can be defined however you want it to be. It’s your life. If 2022 hasn’t been your best year, then take advantage of the transition and go into 2023 with the
FTT: Focus, Meaning & Doing
Happy Free Thoughts Thursday, people. You may or may not know that I “have” a podcast called From the Beginning. I say “have” in quotes because I haven’t kept up with it well, but as I’m reflecting on the past year I’m realizing that I enjoy recording conversations with interesting
FTT: Stop Learning
Happy Free Thoughts Thursday, people. Thanks for your patience as I took a short break from YouTube and this newsletter—there’s been a lot going on behind the scenes. For example, I’ve been in the process of designing a sleep patch that delivers a sustained release of melatonin, magnesium, L-Thean…
FTT: Master Yourself
Happy Free Thoughts Thursday, people. I’m not a big fan of Facebook, but their “red book” has some great insights for both business and life. My favorite is below: I might get that graph framed. 1 Thought From Me: “We must master ourselves unless we’d prefer to be mastered
FTT: Think Small & Focus on What’s Right
Happy Free Thoughts Thursday, people. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, here’s a nice reminder from Jack Butcher of Visualize Value: Life moves quickly and sometimes our problems and to-dos all seem to morph together which makes it hard to know where to start. Whether it’s your relationship, finance…
FTT: 5 Lessons for Life
Happy Free Thoughts Thursday, people. If you have a few minutes, I highly recommend watching this Ted Talk. It explains why being nicer to yourself actually makes you a better person to the people around you. I talk about this idea a lot on my channel and it’s one that’s
FTT: Perfection & Relationships
Happy Free Thoughts Thursday on a Friday, people. I started writing this at 11:47pm on Thursday and missed the deadline to keep this newsletter true to its namesake. I have quick app recommendation for you: Libby. It lets you use your public library card to rent books and audiobooks
FTT: Worrying is Like a Rocking Chair
Happy Free Thoughts Thursday, people. Quick little hack for ya. Add the Visualize Value Chrome extension. Every time you open a new tab in your browser you’ll get a little illustration like this one: Nice way to make browsing the internet a little bit more... productive? fulfilling? not sure wha…
FTT: Hard Work Isn’t Always Hard
Happy Free Thoughts Thursday, people. “Every decision you make, from what you eat to what you do with your time tonight, turns you into who you are tomorrow, and the day after that. Look at who you want to be, and start sculpting yourself into that person. You may not
FTT: Destination Addiction
Happy Free Thoughts Thursday, people. I have a book suggestion for you this week: The Course of Love by Alain de Botton. It tells the life story of a couple, but instead of starting when they meet and ending when they get married, it starts when they get married and
FTT: Mental Inflammation
Happy Free Thoughts Thursday, people. Another life hack for you courtesy of a friend of mine: set a time limit on your social media apps. Settings > Screen Time > App Limits. I have mine set to limit Social Media to 30 mins a day every day. Do I follow
FTT: Thoughts vs. Actions
Happy Free Thoughts Thursday, people. Quick life hack for you: download Instapaper. It lets you save articles you want to read but don’t have time for at the moment and its interface is 100x nicer to read on than whichever website published the article. Plus, it doesn’t show ads. It
FTT: The Gap and The Gain
Happy Free Thoughts Thursday, people. “Beware of destination addiction: The idea that happiness is the next place, the next job, or the next partner. Until you give up the idea that happiness is somewhere else, it’ll never be where you are.”—Robert Holden1 Thought From Me:I’ve written in the
FTT: Money is Time
Happy Free Thoughts Thursday, people. I had a longer version of this newsletter typed out but it was full of fluff and I only wrote more because I felt like I should. Below are the parts that matter without all the BS. 1 Thought From Me:“There is no passion
FTT: Depression and Serotonin
Happy Free Thoughts Thursday, people. I had an entire newsletter written on this topic sitting in my drafts for months before deleting it because I was afraid of how people would respond. Then, about two weeks ago, research was published that supported my stance but for some reason it’s not
FTT: Try Before You Criticize
My Newsletter: Free Thoughts Thursday
FTT: Life is Right Now
My Newsletter: Free Thoughts Thursday
FTT: The Finitude of Life
I try never to forget two things: We are all going to die.Life has no meaning. On the surface they both seem depressing, but I actually find them to be comforting. Knowing that life is finite puts our problems into perspective and reminds us to live in the present.
FTT: Overcoming Jealousy
Happy Free Thoughts Thursday, people. I’m posting a video about this topic on Sunday. Quick reminder that I provide 1-on-1 Life & Mindset Coaching and you can apply here. Let’s get into it. 1 Thought From Me:jeal·ous [jel-uhs]adjective feeling resentment because of another’s success, advantage,…
FTT: Trauma Doesn’t Exist
Happy Free Thoughts Thursday, people. This week’s write-up is going to require an open mind. As always, I encourage you to respond directly to this email your thoughts. 1 Thought From Me:Trauma doesn’t exist. Let me explain. Freudian psychology popularized the idea that our past troubles are the cau…
FTT: Focus On Yourself
Happy Free Thoughts Thursday, people. I posted a video today highlighting the 25 most important lessons I’ve learned during my 25 years here on Earth. I worked hard on it and it’s the video I’m most proud of so far. If you’re subscribed here I think you’ll find it valuable.
FTT: Uncertainty, Decisions & Thought Avoidance
Happy Free Thoughts Thursday, people. Let’s get right into it this week. 3 Things I’ve Learned:We prefer bad news over uncertainty.A part of our brain called the striatum acts as a sort of “action center” whose sole purpose is to guide our behavior towards positive outcomes and
FTT: Beliefs, Marriage & Music
Happy Free Thoughts Thursday, people. Lots to talk about this week. Let’s get into it. 3 Things I’ve Learned:Beliefs are about more than just your opinion.Nobel Prize-winning author Daniel Kahneman found in his research that: “Subjectively, it feels like you believe in something because you have the
FTT: Extroversion, Storytelling & Plan B
Happy Free Thoughts Thursday, people. Last week I asked you all: What is one simple truth that you live by? Here are some of your answers: Don’t take life so seriously. It’s not like you are getting out alive :) Not saying situations can’t be serious, but more
FTT: Beliefs, Breathing & Happiness
Happy Free Thoughts Thursday, people. I have one ask of you this week: please respond to this email with your answer to question #2 which I’ve bolded below. I’d like to feature some of your answers in next week’s letter. To get your gears turning, here is my answer: Life
FTT: Experiences, Quantity & Peace
Happy Free Thoughts Thursday, people. Apologies for the late delivery this week. Better late than never. 3 Things I’ve Learned:Experiences > thingsWe’re all familiar with the question of whether or not money can buy happiness. What is often overlooked is how we spend the money we do have.
FTT: Bystanders, Cognitive Dissonance & Giving
Happy Free Thoughts Thursday, people. I hope you’re enjoying your week so far as we make our way into the middle of May. Let’s get into it. 3 Things I’ve Learned:More bystanders = less calls for help.As the number of people present in a social situation increases, the
FTT: Oxytocin, Attention & Dating Apps
Happy Free Thoughts Thursday, people. Hope this week has been a good one. Time is flying. Let’s get into it. 3 Things I’ve Learned:Same hormone = different responses.The hormone oxytocin causes positive social cues to become more noticeable to women and negative social cues to become more noticeable
FTT: Reciprocity, Gossip & Energy
Happy Free Thoughts Thursday, people. I still have one coaching slot open beginning in May. Apply here. Today is a quick one! 3 Things I’ve Learned:Reciprocity is deeply ingrained in our nature.In 1974, Philip Kunz mailed handwritten Christmas cards to 600 randomly selected strangers. 200 of them
FTT: Journaling, Bias & Cohabitation
Happy Free Thoughts Thursday, people. Beginning in May, I’ll be taking on five clients for 1-on-1 life & mindset coaching. You can apply here or respond to this email for more information. Let’s get into it! 3 Things I’ve Learned:Journaling alleviates stress and reduces anxiety.There’s a lot
FTT: Genes, Mindset & Your Gut
Happy Free Thoughts Thursday, people. As always, reply directly to this email with any thoughts, questions, or ideas. Enjoy. 3 Things I’ve Learned:Happiness is heritable.50-80% of the difference in our average levels of happiness can be explained by our genes rather than our life experiences. Some o…
FTT: Aging, Mindfulness & Anxiety
Happy Free Thoughts Thursday, people. Thanks to everyone who’s signed up recently. As always, reply directly to this email with any thoughts or ideas! 3 Things I’ve Learned:Our attitude towards aging impacts our longevity.Negative self-perceptions of aging can decrease our life expectancy and positi…
FTT: Social Media, Time & Height
Happy Free Thoughts Thursday, people. If you’re new, you can find previous FTTs here and you can reply directly to this email with any thoughts, questions or ideas sparked by what’s below. Thanks for joining—let’s get right into it! 3 Things I’ve Learned:Less social media = less loneliness
FTT: Nature, Marriage & Neuroplasticity
Happy Free Thoughts Thursday, people! Buckle up, there’s a lot in this week’s letter. It’s my favorite one so far. 3 Things I’ve Learned:Spending time in nature improves your physical and mental health.Exposure to nature—even urban nature, like a city park—has been linked to increased
FTT: Friendships, Uniqueness & the Universe
3 Things I’ve Learned:Humans can maintain quality friendships with about 150 people.This is known as “Dunbar’s Number”—named after Robert Dunbar who came up with the theory 30 years ago. Dunbar first found support for his theory in the fact that hunter-gatherer communities were comprised of roughly
FTT: Future You, Motivation & Poverty
Happy Free Thoughts Thursday, people. Three more days to make the most out of this week. Yesterday’s Video:I’m behind here. Video will be published this evening. It’s about how to design your life. You can use this link to get to it when it goes live. 3 Things
FTT: Regrets, Social Media & Cliffs
Happy Free Thoughts Thursday, people. Another week almost gone. Let’s enjoy what’s left. Yesterday’s Video:Slowly improving my production quality. Having fun with it.3 Things I’ve Learned:Regret is the second most common emotion people talk about (behind love) and there are four main types:Boldness—…